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32 minute audio 

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

Sit comfortably while you play this audio and practice 32 minutes of sitting meditation

Sitting meditation

20 minute audio 

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

If 32 minutes seems too long try out this 20 minute audio for sitting meditation.

Sitting meditation is sitting with awareness. While adopting a alert but relaxed body posture we concentrate on our breathing. We dwell in the present, moment by moment, breath by breath. It sounds simple, and it is. Full awareness on the inbreath, full awareness on the outbreath. Letting the breath just happen, observing it, feeling all the sensations, gross and subtle, associated with it. It is simple but it is not easy. After a while body or mind will demand somehting else, this is inevitable. It is at this point that the work of self-observation gets particularly interesting and fruitful. Normally every time the mind moves, the body follows. If the mind is restless, the body is restless. The aim is to observe these impulses and thoughts and gently but firmly bring our attention back to our breathing Working regularly with (not struggling against) the resistance of your own mind builds inner strength. At the same time you are also developing patience and practicing being non-judgmental. Mindfulness does not involve pushing thoughts away or walling yourself off from them to quiet your mind. We are not trying to stop our thoughts as they cascade through the mind. We are simply making room for them, observing them as thoughts, and letting them be, using the breath as our anchor or “home base” for observing, for reminding us to stay focused and calm.

sitting meditation

sitting meditation

What is it?

This area provides a brief explanation of what sitting meditation is and how to carry it out. You can also find some audios and a video for you to practice sitting meditation.

Based on an excerpted from Jon Kabat-Zinn (1990) Full Catastrophe Living, Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. 

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