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Week 2
This week we will introduce Sitting Meditation as our formal practice. The next three readings, How the Brain Rewires Itself, How Meditation Affects the Gray Matter of the Brain, and Mastering Your Own Mind discuss the growing body of research that demonstrates how meditative practice, even when done for a relatively short period of time (weeks not years), can physically alter the brain in positive and adaptive ways.
How Meditation Affects the Gray Matter of the Brain
How the Brain Rewires Itself
Mastering Your Own Mind
This week, for the formal practice, we introduce the Sitting Meditation, using breath as the primary object of awareness, alternating this with the Body Scan (Sitting one day, Body Scan the next, etc.). It can seem that the goal of the Body Scan or a Sitting Meditation is to stay focused on exactly one thing at a time (ankle, wrist, breath) and that when you notice your awareness has moved (to a memory, internal narrative, sound and wondering about the sound), that you are somehow failing. These practices will increase your ability to focus and concentrate, but they will also expand your ability to be with whatever comes into your field of experience, non-judgmentally. Your NOTICING that your attention has moved to another object is, in itself, mindfulness in action. Mindfulness includes both concrete attention (think laser beam) and the capacity to perceive a larger picture (think floodlight). Both are important. Focusing on only one thing leaves the larger picture unseen, and maintaining only a broad focus does not allow exploration of the parts.
The informal practice this week is about becoming aware of how we experience and process pleasant events. They don't need to be major events, they can be something as simple as noticing the sun on your face or someone smiling at you. Just as we did last week, allow a few minutes before going to sleep to complete the informal practice log.
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